Slow Meditative Bath | No exercise as waitlist not confirmed | Broomed home | Utensils clean | Hydration again not completed | Purchased a water boiler | 10th June 2024 | 8:40 PM

Hello everyone,

Hope you're doing well.

I am grateful today because I managed to clean the home, utensils, and my soul through meditative bathing.

However, the water challenge is not completed as I only had around 1-1.5 liters of water today instead of 3 liters. The exercise challenge is also not completed since my classes were not confirmed.

I didn't sit for long, but I felt tired in the afternoon, probably due to my rice intake, which is something I can work on by reducing portions.

Self cooked tomato-rice-nutrela

I have received a voucher for my exam, so I will need to dedicate 4 hours daily to preparing for Snowflake. This includes 1-1.5 hours of solving mock tests, analyzing them, and taking notes. This will continue until the 14th of June, followed by multiple mock tests on the 15th, 16th, and 17th as a cooldown phase.

I will have my protein powder now. Pune looked so fabulous today because of the monsoon, and it was truly breathtaking.

Evening monsoon season-1

Evening monsoon season-2

Evening monsoon season-3

I will try to sleep early because I need to get up for a morning cycle ride, which I cannot skip at any cost.

I feel so light these days, and these little changes to my lifestyle have helped me a lot. I believe I will gain significant knowledge once my healing certification is completed.

Thanks and bestowing love to myself and the people around me.

That's all for today, guys. I shall meet you tomorrow.

This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud.

Journaling challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅  

For now, let me summarize my achievements:

- Hydration challenge: 16/21 days not completed ❌

- Journaling challenge L1: 3/21 days completed ✅  

- New fitness challenge: 14/21 days not completed ❌

- Protein powder challenge: 9/21 days completed ✅  

- EP Course: 6/47 lessons completed ✅  

Areas for improvement:

- Food choices ❌

Namo Buddhay!

Best regards,



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