Hello Everyone,
I have bounced back stronger after four days, and it feels great to be back on track.
The day started with breakfast, which was Maggie. I know this is unhealthy, but I like it sometimes.
I was mindful of my water intake, drinking almost 2.5 liters, and I will complete 3 liters by the end of the day.
Work went well. I had some tasks to complete, enjoyed a delicious lunch, and took a bit of rest in the afternoon.
In the evening, I had tea. Even though tea isn't the healthiest choice, I sometimes feel like having it.
I completed dinner early and did an hour of extensive yoga at home.
I've added a few more simple activities to my habits. One is soaking almonds at night as part of a 21-day challenge. The other is solving one SQL problem from LeetCode, which is a 30-day challenge.
I am also learning Italian using the Duolingo app.
Today's evening scenery was beautiful, and I took pictures with my DSLR.
- Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅
- New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅
- Hydration Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅
Summary of Achievements:
- Hydration Challenge L1: 1/21 days completed ✅
- Journaling Challenge L1: 19/21 days completed ✅
- New Fitness Challenge L1: 3/21 days completed ✅
- Protein Powder Challenge: 16/21 days completed ✅
- EP Course: 19/47 lessons completed ✅
- Elevating Energies from Today's Reflection: 6/90 not completed ❌
- Almonds Soaked: 1/21 completed ✅
- LeetCode: 1/30 completed ✅
Areas for Improvement:
- Food choices ❌
- Late mornings, which means no sunlight ❌
Note: Sometimes, writing a lot in my journal for the "Elevating Energies from Pages" challenge gets difficult. Therefore, I will just add one thing I learned from a book, movie, or anything else, and rename it to "Elevating Energies from Today's Reflection."
Namo Buddhay!
Best regards,
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