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Life is all about the Little prince | 23rd June 2024 | 02:39 AM

Instead of trying to be a perfect man, it is important to be a boy with a heart of his own—a true child. Accept the flaws, free the stars from the bottle of his life, and express what might have been closed off: the emotions and the freedom that have been restricted so that we can be accepted by others and gain validation.

I don't wish to be a boring adult obsessed with output and numbers in a negative way.

I wish to understand more about the abandoned old shell.

Some automated takeaways which is imprinted below:

1. **The Importance of Childlike Wonder**:
   - The story emphasizes the value of seeing the world through the eyes of a child, embracing curiosity, imagination, and wonder. Adults often lose this perspective, focusing instead on practicality and seriousness.

2. **The Nature of Relationships**:
   - The relationship between the Little Prince and his rose teaches about love, responsibility, and the unique connections we form. The fox's lesson, "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed," underscores the depth of relationships and the responsibility that comes with them.

3. **Seeing Beyond the Surface**:
   - The book encourages looking beyond appearances to understand the true essence of things. The famous quote, "What is essential is invisible to the eye," highlights that the most important qualities in life are often intangible, such as love, friendship, and faith.

4. **The Critique of Adult Behavior**:
   - Through the prince's encounters with various adults on different planets, the book critiques adult behavior and priorities. It points out the absurdity of being obsessed with power, wealth, and rigid logic, at the expense of joy and meaningful relationships.

5. **The Value of Exploration and Learning**:
   - The prince's journey symbolizes the importance of exploring new worlds and perspectives, learning from different experiences, and growing as an individual. Each planet and its inhabitant provide a lesson that adds to the prince's understanding of life.

6. **The Role of Suffering and Loss**:
   - The story acknowledges that suffering and loss are part of life. The Little Prince's departure from his rose and his ultimate fate highlight that these experiences, while painful, are integral to our growth and understanding of love.

7. **Reflection on Existence and Purpose**:
   - The book prompts readers to reflect on their own lives, relationships, and what truly matters. It suggests that we often overlook simple truths in our quest for complex achievements, and that we should strive to reconnect with what brings us genuine joy and fulfillment.


  • Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅
  • New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅

Summary of Achievements

  • Hydration Challenge: 21/21 days not completed ❌
  • Journaling Challenge L1: 15/21 days completed ✅
  • New Fitness Challenge L1: 2/21 days not completed ❌
  • Protein Powder Challenge: 15/21 days not completed ❌
  • EP Course: 17/47 lessons not completed ❌
  • Elevating Energies from Pages: 6/90 not completed ❌

Areas for Improvement

  • Food choices ❌

Namo Buddhay!

Best regards,




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