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A fulfilled day | Moving towards a healthier version | All challenges completed ✅ | 21/21 fitness completed 🏆 | 19th June 2024 | 10:06 pm

My Lifestyle Journal

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're doing well!

I feel lighter right now, but when I woke up today, I felt so heavy. My mood and energy were low, and I felt like sleeping more because I was fatigued. Now, I understand that it was because I had a heavy dinner late last night. My body had to use a significant amount of energy, around 600 calories, to digest that complex food, leaving me with only 400 calories of usable energy when I woke up. Because of this, I’ve decided to eat lighter at night to avoid these issues.

16th June, 2024 picture

16th June, 2024 picture | 1:56 pm IST

The day went well with mock test solving, though I need to focus more on a few areas. Tomorrow, I plan to solve two mock papers to get ready for the June 24th examination. I had good water intake today and exercised as well.

It feels so good when a t-shirt fits you properly and you see yourself moving toward a positive phase of your life with all the auras being positive. Negatives may surround me, but they don’t stay like family; they are just guests for me.

This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud.


  • Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅

Elevating Energies from the Lines

A memory of an event can become deeply embedded in the brain, making that scene feel frozen in time in our gray matter, as it did with Anna. The combination of various people or objects at a particular time and place from that stressful experience is etched into our neural architecture like a holographic image. That's how we create long-term memories.

Takeaways or Gratefulness

Instead of thinking about the negative holographic image, it is important to rationally and intellectually understand what is happening.

Summary of Achievements

  • Hydration Challenge: 20/21 days completed ✅
  • Journaling Challenge L1: 12/21 days completed ✅
  • New Fitness Challenge: 21/21 days completed ✅
  • Protein Powder Challenge: 14/21 days completed ✅
  • EP Course: 15/47 lessons completed ✅
  • Elevating Energies from Pages: 5/90 completed ✅

Areas for Improvement

  • Food choices ❌

Namo Buddhay!

Best regards,



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