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Earliest post | Morning cycle ride tomorrow | Sleepy and Tired | 15th June 2024 | 7:48 PM 🏆

Hello people,

I feel tired today, maybe because of an incomplete sleep cycle, improper hydration levels, and bad food choices (all my energy is going into digestion).

I plan to sleep early because if I wake up early tomorrow, I'll be able to wrap up most of the things I need to do.

If I sleep late, I'll be hungry again.

This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud.

Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅

Ready before office event at Baner in Pune

Elevating Energies from the Lines ✅

Anna's husband's suicide threw her brain and body into a state of survival. Every day, Anna relived that event over and over in her mind. What she didn't realize was that her body did not know the difference between the original event that created the stress response and the memory of the event, which created the same emotions as the real-life experience. Anna was producing the same chemistry in her brain and body as if the event were actually happening again and again.

Takeaways or Gratefulness:

Emotions are chemical feedbacks of past experiences. As our senses record incoming information from the environment, clusters of neurons organize into networks. When they freeze into a pattern, the brain makes a chemical that is then sent throughout the body, which is called an emotion. When we remember events, we can remember how they feel. The stronger the emotional quotient from any event, either good or bad, the stronger the change in our internal chemistry.

For now, let me summarize my achievements:

- **Hydration Challenge**: 19/21 days not completed ❌

- **Journaling Challenge L1**: 8/21 days completed ✅

- **New Fitness Challenge**: 18/21 days not completed ❌

- **Protein Powder Challenge**: 12/21 days not completed ❌

- **EP Course**: 11/47 lessons not completed ❌

- **Elevating Energies from Pages**: 3/90 completed ✅

Areas for improvement:

- **Food choices** ❌

Namo Buddhay!

Best regards,  



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