Missed exercise today | Prepared Oats and maintained hydration levels | 05th June 2024 | 10:14 pm

Hello people,

I hope you’re doing well.

I woke up really late, and last night had been quite late for me. I woke up, missed the class, then started working for the office, and had a Complan smoothie today with almonds and a banana.

I prepared veggie oats today and consumed them; then, with proper hydration, I started working and didn’t notice when it was evening, and I missed class because of the rains.


I had a workshop again today, and it was a fun and great session. I ordered dinner from outside and hope to sleep early so that I can attend tomorrow’s cycling ride on time.

Today, I learned NLP Timeline coaching, removing the blockages from emotions, grounding, reframing, and EFT techniques.

Hope you stay safe and sound,


Now, let’s review my regular routine checklists:

Hydration challenge: 13/21 days completed.

Journaling challenge:  19/21 days completed .

New fitness challenge: 10/21 days not completed .

Protein powder challenge: 4/21 days completed.

Namo Buddhay!

Best regards,



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