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Showing posts from June, 2024

INDIA 🇮🇳 WON THE T20 WORLD CUP | SOLO Trip to PANCHGANI AND BACK TO PUNE | 30th June 2024 | 12:33 AM

It's quite late today.  I hope you're doing fine.  Finally India won the T20 world Cup after 17 years under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma and it's a proud moment for all the INDIANS.  I woke up at 4 and then only decided to go to Panchgani but I was confused if I'll be able to make it or not, I took a bathe and prepared the baggage in case of staying at Panchgani.  I reached PANCHGANI but I decided not to wait or rest at the hostel since it was full and app showed wrong as available, I roamed all the important points and table land in Panchgani along with a beautiful mandir.  I went to Mapro factory outlet as well. I had maggie and tea which was a surreal feeling at the mountains.  I'm even not feeling wrong because I failed to follow the challenge but I discovered new things in the life.  I'm still grateful for everything that happens.  Best,  Namo buddhay,  Vivek Sunny. 

Worked on my finances | 2 Fitness class in a day | Second wave L1 Journaling completed | Light food today | 28/06/2024 23:06

Hello Peeps, Hope you're doing amazing! I got up extremely late this morning because the bad microbiomes in my gut took a toll on me. The heavy dinner yesterday caused all sorts of fatigue and laziness in the morning. I decided to wake up and started working after having Sattu for breakfast. The Yoga blocks and wheel arrived today, and I tried a few asanas with them before having khichdi for lunch. Self pictures In the evening, I stepped outside for a dance and yoga class. I noticed my energy was a bit low, likely due to digestion, so I decided to have a light dinner and went to Tapri for a veg meal thali. Achievements: - Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - Hydration Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - Journaling Challenge L1: 21/21 days completed ✅ Summary of Achievements: - Hydration Challenge L1: 1/21 days not completed ❌ - Journaling Challenge L1: 21/21 days completed ✅ - New Fitness Challenge L1: 4/21...

Totally sleepy, tired and exhausted | 27th June 2024

Hello friends,  Hope you're doing amazing!!  Yesterday I saw a post about mutton on Instagram and it prompted me to cook for myself, even though knowing just after a bit of it I don't feel good eating still I thought to buy it from the store and cooked it.  I have seen one thing that sometimes If I do something odd, I feel like doing more odds that day untill I feel a critical point and then come out of it.  I need to understand this behavior.  I'm being more aware of it because, I didn't feel good eating non veg because I regret eating non veg these days and also 95% of my life energies are utilized in breaking down those complex food particle and hence I feel tired and slept all day long.  I'm planning to be more conscious and avoid eating these food which involves killing of innocent creatures.  I couldn't complete the basic blocks of my life today and yet again a disconnect.  I'll improve and trying to eliminate things that lowers ...

All challenges completed today 🏆 | Started more robust 💪 | Fulfilled day 🙏 | 26/06/2024 23:43

Hello Everyone, I have bounced back stronger after four days, and it feels great to be back on track. The day started with breakfast, which was Maggie. I know this is unhealthy, but I like it sometimes. I was mindful of my water intake, drinking almost 2.5 liters, and I will complete 3 liters by the end of the day. Work went well. I had some tasks to complete, enjoyed a delicious lunch, and took a bit of rest in the afternoon. In the evening, I had tea. Even though tea isn't the healthiest choice, I sometimes feel like having it. I completed dinner early and did an hour of extensive yoga at home. I've added a few more simple activities to my habits. One is soaking almonds at night as part of a 21-day challenge. The other is solving one SQL problem from LeetCode, which is a 30-day challenge. I am also learning Italian using the Duolingo app. Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 1 Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 2 Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 3 Today'...

Ok but what's next? 🎯 | 25/06/2024 22:48

Hello Peeps, I hope you're doing amazing! I was analysing myself. It has been 4 days in total, and I haven't stepped outside for any sort of exercise. Why? Because I had Snowflake. Because I feel tired. Because I sleep late. Because of other things. Yet, exercise is like fuel to my body. It shouldn't be stopped. It has associations with almonds, protein powder, chia and flax seeds, and hydration. It also ensures that I complete the EP course and the Supernaturals book. Breakfast Lunch Evening Scenery Evening Scenery 2 I am grateful that I have done some good office work and personal works. But, an inch of effort makes you build more stronger and hence I will try to sleep early and continue doing good work. Thanks, Vivek

Certification cleared | Booked Transformation workshop | My yoga goodies are dispatched | 24/06/2024 22:41

Hello folks, I hope you have been doing fine. For the past few days, I have been unable to complete a challenge that is vital for me. Despite any excuses, I’ve realized that ignoring these critical and life-saving challenges is not an option. Therefore, I am committed to pursuing them starting tomorrow. After completing my certification exam, I’ve made a few observations based on my awareness: I study briefly, but my memory serves me well. Avoiding unnecessary dragging and relying on a notebook with concise notes and continuity can be highly effective. Mock exams have proven to be invaluable. Concept clarity is essential; as they say, “Ratt na fitrat me nahi.” Post-certification, I celebrated with Shawarma, Panipuri, and Tea, and I’m pleased to share that I cleared the exam with flying colors. Now, it’s time to bounce back even stronger and prioritize my own well-being through regular exercise. Investing in the Transformation workshop was a wise decision—it complements the...

No challenge today | Yesterday tea at late night took a tool on sleep | All energies in preparation for exam | 23rd June 2024 | 10:31 pm.

 Hello Friends, Hope you're doing well. I am planning to sleep early so as to get up early tomorrow for preparation. Success needs preparation I couldn't go for exercise and challenges are not accomplished. I need to be much aware about tea consumption where post 2 pm , I won't take it at any ways. Secondly, Food is something which has now become a prime importance for me. Only Journaling is completed and I shall update the tracker tomorrow. Thanks! Much love. Vivek.

Life is all about the Little prince | 23rd June 2024 | 02:39 AM

Instead of trying to be a perfect man, it is important to be a boy with a heart of his own—a true child. Accept the flaws, free the stars from the bottle of his life, and express what might have been closed off: the emotions and the freedom that have been restricted so that we can be accepted by others and gain validation. I don't wish to be a boring adult obsessed with output and numbers in a negative way. I wish to understand more about the abandoned old shell. Some automated takeaways which is imprinted below: 1. **The Importance of Childlike Wonder**:    - The story emphasizes the value of seeing the world through the eyes of a child, embracing curiosity, imagination, and wonder. Adults often lose this perspective, focusing instead on practicality and seriousness. 2. **The Nature of Relationships**:    - The relationship between the Little Prince and his rose teaches about love, responsibility, and the unique connections we form. The fox's lesson, "You ...

Happy Yoga Day | Mobile blog 1 | 21st June 2024 | 11:09 PM

Hello everyone,  Hope you're doing amazing!!  I overate today post doing Yoga and hence I wanted to share and inteospect but I lost all the energy to use my Mac 🍎💻 and hence thought to draft my progress today so that in the next vlog I'll carry forward it.  Exercise Done. ✅ Water Done. ✅ EP Done.✅ becoming supernatural is done. (summary will publish tomorrow with today's one). ✅ Protein powder done. ✅ The most crucial part to consider is the food choice. ❌⛔⚠️⁉️❎ I feel as if my gut bacteria requests me to go for a full plate Non veg mean outside and hence my health and money both gets compromised. I think, it might happen the next time as well but need to be aware that it takes a lot of energy to digest and hence it feels fatigue sometimes.  Mood, health and money all goes in vain.  Next time, I'll be extra mindful.  Today I can rate that food choice was again improper because of the food outside.  Namo Buddhay!  Vivek

Exercise completed only ✅ | Tired again | 20th June 2024 | 11:55 PM

Hello People, I hope you're doing well. Today, I couldn't manage the day properly, but no worries—I will try to improve from tomorrow. I did the Yoga session on my own at home today, but the rest of the challenges are still due. Starting tomorrow, I will try not to miss any of them. This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Office event at Koregaon Park, Pune Achievements Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ Summary of Achievements Hydration Challenge: 20/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1: 13/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge L1: 1/21 days completed ✅ Protein Powder Challenge: 14/21 days not completed ❌ ...

A fulfilled day | Moving towards a healthier version | All challenges completed ✅ | 21/21 fitness completed 🏆 | 19th June 2024 | 10:06 pm

My Lifestyle Journal Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing well! I feel lighter right now, but when I woke up today, I felt so heavy. My mood and energy were low, and I felt like sleeping more because I was fatigued. Now, I understand that it was because I had a heavy dinner late last night. My body had to use a significant amount of energy, around 600 calories, to digest that complex food, leaving me with only 400 calories of usable energy when I woke up. Because of this, I’ve decided to eat lighter at night to avoid these issues. 16th June, 2024 picture | 1:56 pm IST The day went well with mock test solving, though I need to focus more on a few areas. Tomorrow, I plan to solve two mock papers to get ready for the June 24th examination. I had good water intake today and exercised as well. It feels so good when a t-shirt fits you properly and you see yourself moving toward a positive phase of your life with all the auras bein...

SO SO Heavy Dinner today | Today seemed a leisure day | 18th June 2024 | 9:19 PM

 Hello Everyone, Hope you all are amazing today. I am again a lot heavy today, I ate so much. Mutton. Chicken. Two Big chapatis. One plate rice. 1 Litre water. WTF! Challenges: Hydration Challenge:  19/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1:  11/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge:  20/21 days not  completed ❌ Protein Powder Challenge:  13/21 days not completed ❌ EP Course:  13/47 lessons not completed ❌ Elevating Energies from Pages:  4/90 not completed ❌ Areas for improvement: - Food choices ❌ Namo Buddhay! Best regards, Vivek

Yoga and Office day outside | 18th June 2024 | 03:12 AM

 Hello friends, I won't be able to continue much today because of late night. Challenges: Hydration Challenge:  19/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1:  10/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge:  20/21 days completed ✅ Protein Powder Challenge:  13/21 days not completed ❌ EP Course:  13/47 lessons not completed ❌ Elevating Energies from Pages:  4/90 not completed ❌ Areas for improvement: - Food choices ❌ Namo Buddhay! Best regards, Vivek

Yoga completed | Solo bike ride to Bopdev ghat | Meditative bath | Hydration incomplete again 2 days in a row | 16th June 2024 | 10:56 pm

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing! I had Idli Sambar and tea for breakfast, then headed to the yoga center, where I did 21 Surya Namaskars. After that, I went to Bopdev Ghat, which was an awe-inspiring place. I climbed the high stairs to the temple barefoot, worshipped there, and enjoyed the nature. Then I stopped at a restaurant and had mutton, rice, and chapati. I returned to my flat, rested for a while, and after waking up, I took a meditative bath session and caught up on calls. On the way took self picture Inside Bopdev Temple Outside Temple City Sky scrapers at background This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Journaling Challenge L0 21/21 days completed ✅...

Earliest post | Morning cycle ride tomorrow | Sleepy and Tired | 15th June 2024 | 7:48 PM 🏆

Hello people, I feel tired today, maybe because of an incomplete sleep cycle, improper hydration levels, and bad food choices (all my energy is going into digestion). I plan to sleep early because if I wake up early tomorrow, I'll be able to wrap up most of the things I need to do. If I sleep late, I'll be hungry again. This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ Ready before office event at Baner in Pune Elevating Energies from the Lines ✅ Anna's husband's suicide threw her brain and body into a state of survival. Every day, Anna relived that event over and over in her mind. What she didn't realize was that her body did not know the difference between the original event that created the stress response and the memory of the event, which created the same emotions as the real-life experience. Anna was producing the same chemistry in her brain and body as if the event were actually happening...

An intention to make a fulfilled day ✅ | Yoga classes done ✅ | Other challenges pending ❌ | Got occupied with some ext office things | 15th June 2024 | 12:41 PM

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing today. My day started with breakfast: Masala dosa and tea. After that, I took a mock exam, which left me feeling so tired and with back pain. I tried massaging with a massager, but it was difficult, so I took a rest. I ordered food from outside and couldn't continue working. Instead, I started solving dumps and rescheduled my test. Then I talked with a friend, which made me realize how big the world is and how much I would like to explore. This inspired me to update my portfolio. In the evening, when I noticed my progress was slow, I decided to go to Cult for a yoga class. I packed my bag and did some exercise. Afterwards, I thought of getting a beard trim and discovered a new salon. I had a long talk with the hairdresser while getting my beard cut. Beard Shaping is done I then took a short walk on the pavements of my society but decided to return home because of a long list of tasks to do. Although my portfolio and sharing it w...

Rainbow in Pune | Attended Yoga | Overate rice | Multiple dumps solved | June 13th 2024 | 10:00 PM

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing! I was thinking to introduce some important topics such as 'Power of Visualization' and 'Character Invention.' These are powerful concepts I am learning about, and I will share them with you all as well. Today, I woke up and had warm water to drink as usual. Since purchasing a water kettle, I mostly drink lukewarm water.  Post dinner, Time with nature and watching sports If I express the situation in words and compare it to the first day, I can say I have come a long way and have elevated the negative survival energies. I no longer stay in that guest mode. However, I still need to be mindful about understanding the inner energies and practicing it through the power of visualization. This chapter is the most crucial in my life. Rainbow at around 6:15 pm in Pune I exercised today and only performed yoga, not dance, because I wanted to come out of the cult and enjoy time with myself. I utilized this time to roam in Gan...

2 workout classes done | 93% post re-test Mock | All challenges completed 🏆 | 12th June 2024 | 9:52 PM

Journal Entry  Hello lovely people, I hope you're doing well. Today, I woke up around 8:30 am and canceled the fitness class beforehand because I wanted to complete my sleep properly. The second reason was that I wanted to start my office work a bit earlier so that I could solve some mock papers for the Snowflake examination. I have only from the 13th to the 16th for preparation, which is just 3 days, so I need to focus my energies on it. After that, I can take a small break of 1-2 days for some nearby travel. I cooked lunch by myself today, which was Khichdi and Aloo ka Bharta, and also created an Insta reel just for my memories. Capturing greenery from windows 1 Capturing greenery from windows 2 I have completed all the challenges t...

28 kms Cycling ride solo to Dagdusheth | All challenges are completed today | Snowflake preparation is on fire | 11th June 2024 | 11:26 pm

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well, safe, and sound. Today is June 11th. I woke up at 4:45 am and went on a solo cycle ride to Dagdusheth, returning after breakfast at the usual place. I started my day with a shower, breakfast, and protein powder. I completed all my office work and finished one mock test, scoring 63%. While this isn't great, I'm working on optimizing my potential for better results. Post cycling ride at Amanora Dagdusheth,Pune I ordered chicken biryani but ate a very large portion, which isn't good for my health. I'll be kinder to my gut next time. I've taken good rest today and feel light and grateful for everything I have and for the people who are associated with me. Now I'll take some more rest and drink some water. Tomorrow, I'll follow an exercise routine and start my day by becoming proficient in Snowflake core. Thanks! That's all for today, guys. I shall meet you tomorrow. This challenge is already complete...

Just a thought

I have completed the journal.  I came to sleep because I need to get up early morning tomorrow.  However, I am using phone and surprisingly the story goes like (Abstracted)  - It started searching for the book kept in a wardrobe, dusting it off, the book was the survival once and it had all the stories inprinted on it. - Upon turning the pages one by one, the past memories started flickering and this body felt a deep crisis of finding the energy.  - The energy is never created not destroyed and hence it should be present somewhere, maybe a little bit inside as a reflection. - I'm cherishing those imprints on paper, smiling a bit little by little, knowing my childish behavior in those days and how I'm learning and evolving now.  -Believing in me that nothing has lost, it's just not the right time to be a child but cherishing it sometimes is fine.  With this, I am trying to smile and trying to call the energies in my every body part to get blessin...

Slow Meditative Bath | No exercise as waitlist not confirmed | Broomed home | Utensils clean | Hydration again not completed | Purchased a water boiler | 10th June 2024 | 8:40 PM

Hello everyone, Hope you're doing well. I am grateful today because I managed to clean the home, utensils, and my soul through meditative bathing. However, the water challenge is not completed as I only had around 1-1.5 liters of water today instead of 3 liters. The exercise challenge is also not completed since my classes were not confirmed. I didn't sit for long, but I felt tired in the afternoon, probably due to my rice intake, which is something I can work on by reducing portions. Self cooked tomato-rice-nutrela I have received a voucher for my exam, so I will need to dedicate 4 hours daily to preparing for Snowflake. This includes 1-1.5 hours of solving mock tests, analyzing them, and taking notes. This will continue until the 14th of June, followed by multiple mock tests on the 15th, 16th, and 17th as a cooldown phase. I will have my protein powder now. Pune looked so fabulous today because of the monsoon, and it was truly breathtaking. Evening monsoon season-1 ...

Forgot the bottle where? | Food mindfulness and Gut health importance | Workout at Cult | Water challenge incomplete today | 09th June 2024 | 9:42 PM

Hello Everyone, Hope you're doing well! Today I woke up and missed breakfast, but I directly consumed food at a society member's home. Then I rested, and in the evening, I went to Cult for a new activity. However, I noticed that my infuser bottle was missing. I asked the Cult managers and caretakers about it, and they suggested I search their cupboard, but I couldn't find it. Then I called the restaurant, and I'm super happy that because of journaling, I could track my activity and it helped me find the right person. Yesterday's meal self prepared When I went to the restaurant, I found the bottle and was very happy. I ate chicken masala, two wheat rotis, and half a plate of rice. I need to be more mindful about food portions. Next time, whenever I feel hungry after a workout, I will drink water first and then eat two rotis with egg or egg bhurji, along with some healthy coconut water, and then sleep. Otherwise, the calories will overshoot. I have not compl...

55 Km Cycling trip completed | Healthier than yesterday | 1st day of EP course ✅ | 08th June 2024 | 9:51 pm

Hello peeps, Today started at 4:50 am, and I went on a 55 km cycle ride to Khadakwasla. Afterward, I had breakfast and then returned home. My body and mind were tired, so I tried to get ample rest. However, I had to cook lunch myself and aimed for a healthier meal than yesterday. I am super proud of this achievement and feel better because of it. I rested a bit more, joined a meeting, and now I'm planning to sleep early because I need to catch up on sleep. I will consume my protein powder sometime later. That's all for today, guys. I shall meet you tomorrow. This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Journaling challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅   For now, let me summarize my achievements: Hydration challenge: 16/21 days completed. Journaling challenge L1: 1/21 days completed. New fitness challenge: 13/21 days completed. Protein powder challenge: 7/21 days completed. EP Course: 2/47 lessons completed. Areas for improvement: Food choices Namo Buddh...

21 days journaling challenge completed | Fast couldn't continue | Grateful for today | 07th June 2024 | 11:05 PM

Hello Peeps! I hope you’re doing amazing! Today, I have completed the 21st-day challenge and I can say I am ‘ SUPER PROUD ’. The next challenge that I am going to take is to complete the Energy Psychology course. It has a total of 47 lessons, so I will cover 2 lessons each day and prepare notes. Ideally, it should take 24 days of my effort. This is in addition to Journaling, Hydration, Exercise, Protein powder, and then EP course completion. Smiling for a little self As of now, I have not consumed protein powder, but I am going to have it now at 11:40 pm. My day today went well with proper rest, and then I engaged with work, utensils cleaning, and received a book from Amazon called “ The Almanack of Naval Ravikant ”. I attended Yoga sessions and sweated a lot. Then I had Chicken Biryani (I thought to continue fasting but ended up with 4 samosas, panipuri, and Chicken Biryani and Alni for dinner). My food mindfulness needs improvement, and I need to be more aware of it. I have...

47 Kms Cycle ride to Theur Ganpati | Masterclass over | Ate Big plate Non - Veg | Feels good to see the broadening and tightening of chest | 06th June 2024 | 11:56 PM

What a beautiful ride today! Morning 5:05 AM: I woke up at 5 AM, took a shower, had some clean water, and then went ahead with the cycle ride to Theur Ganpati. It was earlier decided to go to Ramdara temple, but we deviated from it since the road was slippery. We started moving from Gold. I was accompanied by Ganesh, Yachana, and Suraj. As we proceeded past 8 km, Yachana felt ill and blacked out while I was around 500m ahead. Ganesh told me that we couldn't move ahead leaving them in that situation. So, we decided to return, but after having breakfast there, Yachana accompanied us, saying she could go till Theur, and we all went together. Afternoon: It was a fun ride. We continued moving and then decided to go to the horse garden before returning. I had Poha and tea, as usual. Once I returned, I took an hour's rest, then started working. I couldn't prepare lunch for myself, so I ordered food from outside. Evening: I talked with a colleague about some strategic de...

Missed exercise today | Prepared Oats and maintained hydration levels | 05th June 2024 | 10:14 pm

Hello people, I hope you’re doing well. I woke up really late, and last night had been quite late for me. I woke up, missed the class, then started working for the office, and had a Complan smoothie today with almonds and a banana. I prepared veggie oats today and consumed them; then, with proper hydration, I started working and didn’t notice when it was evening, and I missed class because of the rains. veggies-oats-self-cooked I had a workshop again today, and it was a fun and great session. I ordered dinner from outside and hope to sleep early so that I can attend tomorrow’s cycling ride on time. Today, I learned NLP Timeline coaching, removing the blockages from emotions, grounding, reframing, and EFT techniques. Hope you stay safe and sound, Vivek Now, let’s review my regular routine checklists: Hydration challenge: 13/21 days completed. Journaling challenge:  19/21 days completed . New fitness challenge: 10/21 days not completed . Protein powder challenge: 4/21 days ...

19 Km early morning cycle ride | Attended Masterclass | Heavy rainfall in Pune today | 04th June 2024 | 10:22 PM

Hello, everyone! I hope you’re doing amazingly well. Although I was uncertain about starting my fitness routine early in the morning, one thing remained fixed: I couldn’t break the challenge I set for myself. So, without waiting too long for an extended, cozy sleep, I got out of bed and hopped onto my lovely bicycle. I rode through Koregaon Park, but unfortunately, I couldn’t reach the final destination—the Osho Garden—due to several barricades and police presence. Breakfast post workout Cycling selfie Upon returning, I felt elated wearing my cycling gear. After a refreshing ride, I enjoyed a breakfast of Poha and tea. Following that, I indulged in a meditative bath and rested for two hours. Later, I had a banana and a protein shake. Lunchtime arrived, and I prepared egg curry and rice. To enhance the flavor, I added some curd to the egg curry. It turned out delicious! I continued working throughout the day, but suddenly, heavy rain and thunderstorms disrupted my plans. Unfor...

Hell a lot tired | 2 classes today | Ideal day | 3rd June 2024 | 10:39 PM

Grateful for this day! Hello peeps, Hope you're doing amazing today! Today, my day started very late because I was not able to complete 8 hours of deep and healthy sleep. Even if I sleep at 12 am, I need to get up at 8 am, not before that. After that, at 9 am, I can do one class and then have breakfast and protein powder. I am looking forward to that routine. The day was ideal today. I received the bib and jacket for my cycling fitness, and I am happy. Although there are a few stains, I think they can be removed after cleaning. I am currently focusing on getting Snowflake certification for my office purposes. Today, I am grateful for breakfast, food, and dinner. Of course, I can't forget the tea that I prepared for myself and enjoyed in a clay pot bought from Reliance Mart yesterday at Amanora Mall. I am happy and accepting the things that are happening my way and sailing across the sea of life. I went to Tapri today after two classes and had a huge meal because my bo...