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Forgot helmet yesterday | Dentist Appointment | Finally cleared final rapid round test | No fitness today [29th May 2024 | 10:16 PM]

Hello people,

Hope you're doing amazing today.

Today, I woke up late at 9 AM because I wasn't feeling well due to inadequate sleep. As a result, I decided to cancel all my fitness class slots for the day.

I had my final VIVA test for Snowflake Core Certification today, and it went pretty well, although there is still room for improvement. I need to take it more seriously, which I am committed to doing. My day started with drinking lukewarm water with lemon and dalchini powder in Malasana pose. Then, I freshened up and had a shake made of banana, chia seeds, curd, and almonds. After that, I continued working, but by the evening, I realized I was too tired to continue, so I skipped my fitness classes.

Around 2 PM, I had a regular meal. Suddenly, I realized my helmet was missing. I got anxious, wondering where I had left it. I then remembered I might have left it at the restaurant Masoli, where I had dinner yesterday. I went there, and the manager kindly returned my helmet. I expressed my gratitude.

In the evening, while I was locating the clinic, an old lady approached me for a lift to her home, which was 500 meters away. She mentioned she had undergone some surgery. Initially, I was reluctant because I had been cheated in the past, but this time, I listened to my intuition and gave her a ride. In return, she offered me so many blessings, and that made my day.

I also went for a regular dental checkup at evening. The doctor praised my teeth, noting no major issues except a few minor ones that will be fixed soon.

When I got back home, I felt it wasn't right to skip my fitness routine since I'm following a challenge and can't abandon it. So, I plan to do stretching for half an hour tonight after writing this blog. In the evening, 

I had biryani rice and fried dal with lemons for dinner.

Then, I thought, why not get a haircut? I got it done at a salon, but it cost me 200 bucks, which is high because I usually pay 100 at a different salon that does a similar job.

Post haircut image

I returned to my flat and decided to share my day with you.

For today, I am going to perform stretching or meditation, ensuring my challenge remains uninterrupted. Normally, I dedicate two hours to this, but today I'll do half an hour to maintain consistency and tackle these behavioural issues.

Here's a summary of my day:

Talking about some regular routine checklist:

- Hydration challenge: 6/21 days completed.

- Journaling challenge: 12/21 days completed.

- New fitness challenge: 5/21 days completed.

Namo Buddhay!




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