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19th May 2024 | 2:30 AM

Hello to whoever has reached this blog,

My name is Vivek, and I know a few things about data engineering, which is how I earn my living. When I was a child, I wanted to become a pilot, but during my early schooling days in 6th or 7th grade, I used to hack my father's computer and play games in safe mode with my brother.

Although I was never a pro game player and my brother had the patience and skill to crack the missions, I always stood by his side to encourage him. I was more interested in planning things and planned to pursuing a career as a software developer in the future.

Today, I am renting a 1 BHK flat, living solo, and fulfilling my dreams by God's grace. I cook food myself, clean the utensils, mop the floor, arrange my clothes, and wash them. I have not employed anyone for household and cooking jobs because my work-from-home setting allows me to learn and practice the art of self-management.

Staying alone can be difficult at times when social connections are limited, but I don't feel like I'm missing out. I am more interested in spending time with myself and understanding the core principles of why I am here on this earth. What drives me to my purpose of living?

I laugh my heart out—sometimes fake, but mostly genuine—and often play the role of a 'baba.' I reflect on each day, assessing whether it was useful or wasted. If I consider it wasted, I make an effort to correct it the next day.

I have resumed writing and now just want to continue so that I can feel lighter, happier, and share some of my views and life experiences here.

Thanks with much love,



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