
Yoga completed | Solo bike ride to Bopdev ghat | Meditative bath | Hydration incomplete again 2 days in a row | 16th June 2024 | 10:56 pm

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing! I had Idli Sambar and tea for breakfast, then headed to the yoga center, where I did 21 Surya Namaskars. After that, I went to Bopdev Ghat, which was an awe-inspiring place. I climbed the high stairs to the temple barefoot, worshipped there, and enjoyed the nature. Then I stopped at a restaurant and had mutton, rice, and chapati. I returned to my flat, rested for a while, and after waking up, I took a meditative bath session and caught up on calls. On the way took self picture Inside Bopdev Temple Outside Temple City Sky scrapers at background This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Journaling Challenge L0 21/21 days completed ✅

Earliest post | Morning cycle ride tomorrow | Sleepy and Tired | 15th June 2024 | 7:48 PM 🏆

Hello people, I feel tired today, maybe because of an incomplete sleep cycle, improper hydration levels, and bad food choices (all my energy is going into digestion). I plan to sleep early because if I wake up early tomorrow, I'll be able to wrap up most of the things I need to do. If I sleep late, I'll be hungry again. This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ Ready before office event at Baner in Pune Elevating Energies from the Lines ✅ Anna's husband's suicide threw her brain and body into a state of survival. Every day, Anna relived that event over and over in her mind. What she didn't realize was that her body did not know the difference between the original event that created the stress response and the memory of the event, which created the same emotions as the real-life experience. Anna was producing the same chemistry in her brain and body as if the event were actually happening

An intention to make a fulfilled day ✅ | Yoga classes done ✅ | Other challenges pending ❌ | Got occupied with some ext office things | 15th June 2024 | 12:41 PM

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing today. My day started with breakfast: Masala dosa and tea. After that, I took a mock exam, which left me feeling so tired and with back pain. I tried massaging with a massager, but it was difficult, so I took a rest. I ordered food from outside and couldn't continue working. Instead, I started solving dumps and rescheduled my test. Then I talked with a friend, which made me realize how big the world is and how much I would like to explore. This inspired me to update my portfolio. In the evening, when I noticed my progress was slow, I decided to go to Cult for a yoga class. I packed my bag and did some exercise. Afterwards, I thought of getting a beard trim and discovered a new salon. I had a long talk with the hairdresser while getting my beard cut. Beard Shaping is done I then took a short walk on the pavements of my society but decided to return home because of a long list of tasks to do. Although my portfolio and sharing it w

Rainbow in Pune | Attended Yoga | Overate rice | Multiple dumps solved | June 13th 2024 | 10:00 PM

Hello friends, Hope you're doing amazing! I was thinking to introduce some important topics such as 'Power of Visualization' and 'Character Invention.' These are powerful concepts I am learning about, and I will share them with you all as well. Today, I woke up and had warm water to drink as usual. Since purchasing a water kettle, I mostly drink lukewarm water.  Post dinner, Time with nature and watching sports If I express the situation in words and compare it to the first day, I can say I have come a long way and have elevated the negative survival energies. I no longer stay in that guest mode. However, I still need to be mindful about understanding the inner energies and practicing it through the power of visualization. This chapter is the most crucial in my life. Rainbow at around 6:15 pm in Pune I exercised today and only performed yoga, not dance, because I wanted to come out of the cult and enjoy time with myself. I utilized this time to roam in Gan

2 workout classes done | 93% post re-test Mock | All challenges completed 🏆 | 12th June 2024 | 9:52 PM

Journal Entry  Hello lovely people, I hope you're doing well. Today, I woke up around 8:30 am and canceled the fitness class beforehand because I wanted to complete my sleep properly. The second reason was that I wanted to start my office work a bit earlier so that I could solve some mock papers for the Snowflake examination. I have only from the 13th to the 16th for preparation, which is just 3 days, so I need to focus my energies on it. After that, I can take a small break of 1-2 days for some nearby travel. I cooked lunch by myself today, which was Khichdi and Aloo ka Bharta, and also created an Insta reel just for my memories. Capturing greenery from windows 1 Capturing greenery from windows 2 I have completed all the challenges t

28 kms Cycling ride solo to Dagdusheth | All challenges are completed today | Snowflake preparation is on fire | 11th June 2024 | 11:26 pm

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well, safe, and sound. Today is June 11th. I woke up at 4:45 am and went on a solo cycle ride to Dagdusheth, returning after breakfast at the usual place. I started my day with a shower, breakfast, and protein powder. I completed all my office work and finished one mock test, scoring 63%. While this isn't great, I'm working on optimizing my potential for better results. Post cycling ride at Amanora Dagdusheth,Pune I ordered chicken biryani but ate a very large portion, which isn't good for my health. I'll be kinder to my gut next time. I've taken good rest today and feel light and grateful for everything I have and for the people who are associated with me. Now I'll take some more rest and drink some water. Tomorrow, I'll follow an exercise routine and start my day by becoming proficient in Snowflake core. Thanks! That's all for today, guys. I shall meet you tomorrow. This challenge is already complete

Just a thought

I have completed the journal.  I came to sleep because I need to get up early morning tomorrow.  However, I am using phone and surprisingly the story goes like (Abstracted)  - It started searching for the book kept in a wardrobe, dusting it off, the book was the survival once and it had all the stories inprinted on it. - Upon turning the pages one by one, the past memories started flickering and this body felt a deep crisis of finding the energy.  - The energy is never created not destroyed and hence it should be present somewhere, maybe a little bit inside as a reflection. - I'm cherishing those imprints on paper, smiling a bit little by little, knowing my childish behavior in those days and how I'm learning and evolving now.  -Believing in me that nothing has lost, it's just not the right time to be a child but cherishing it sometimes is fine.  With this, I am trying to smile and trying to call the energies in my every body part to get blessing from almighty i