
26th May 2024 | 10:23 PM

Hello, my loveliest peeps, I hope you're doing amazing! Evening time before dance class Today, my morning didn't start with cycling but with yoga instead. I had soaked almonds, chia seeds, and warm water with ajwain in the morning. Then, I did some basic morning exercises at home before heading to yoga class, and I also had a banana. I went to the class and performed different versions of Evolve Yoga asanas. Afterward, I had breakfast of poha and tea from outside. I came back home, rested a bit, then prepared oats with mixed veggies for lunch, and took another rest. Morning breakfast I didn't want to waste my weekend, so I tried to book another slot for a dance session today. Before attending the class, I had water, brought a towel, dancing shoes, and had a banana before the workout. After leaving the class at 8 PM, I decided to have dinner at a good food outlet. I had normal rice, dal, roti, and sabjis. Then, I went to my friend's home for some conversation

26th May 2024 | 12:05 AM

Hello my loveliest readers, I hope you're doing well! Start of the day with a refreshing ride It's a new day, and my day started at 5 am. After refreshing myself and taking a bath, I had chia seeds and almonds for breakfast. Then, I headed to Cult Fitness for my first-ever ride to Taljai Tekdi Mandir, located 17 km from my place. The whole cycling squad of around 10 people greeted each other, and we headed towards our destination. For the last 30 minutes, the road was highly elevated, and I almost gave up. The trainer suggested that I should take a break, but a few pro cyclists boosted my enthusiasm, and finally, we reached our destination. Reached the destination with the cycling squad I had red lemon tea in the morning, which was quite refreshing. My mood was elevated knowing my digestion and exercise were in sync, and I was properly hydrated. After that, we had a cool-down exercise and took some photographs. C

24th May 2024 | 9:17 PM

Hello, my loveliest peeps, I am journaling early today because I have good news to share. However, you'll need to read through to the end for the reveal. Today, my day started at 11 am IST. I prepared buns and butter for breakfast, read a few pages of my book, and reflected on how household chores and office work are keeping me from going out. This has taken a toll on both my physical and mental health. It's often said that unbalanced chakras or energy blockages can cause such issues. Around 3-4 pm, I decided to cook something. I soaked dal and rice, added soya chunks, and put everything in a cooker for 7-8 whistles. Meanwhile, I mashed potatoes with tomato and garlic for a chokha recipe, fried some papad, and served the khichdi with dahi and achar. The good news is that I completed both the hydration challenge and the journaling challenge. Additionally, I started a fitness class today and attended the Evolve yoga session. It was great

Outbursting thoughts | Part-1

It is 2:44 AM. My body is lying on the bed inside a locked room in a 33-story high-rise building, and I'm with my soul and skin intact, trying to figure out what my little brain is thinking. It's a thought or a line of thinking described in Don't Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen, or perhaps it's the 1st or 2nd system defined by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow . I'm not entirely sure, but at this moment, I could have slept. Instead, my little brain is racing at high speed. You might wonder what all this nonsense is, but yes, it does happen. It showers a warm wave of heat onto my heated skin, bringing me to misery. Is it a problem with my brain, or is there some energy surrounding me, or maybe inside me, that induces these thoughts? Is it this energy that calls my brain to think, crave, and dig up the buried soul? The soul, which I buried in some unidentified area within me, gets unearthed by my brain, prompted

23rd May 2024 | 11:40 PM

My Blog Hello my loveliest people, How are you enjoying your life? We have been gifted with life, so are we enjoying it to the fullest or living in miseries? I think I am enjoying it, but not to the fullest. However, I am on a journey to make it worthwhile. I sometimes imagine myself going on a solo tour with my bike (I feel like purchasing a Royal Enfield) so that I can travel and work (currently, my work is remote). I think I can easily do it, but something stops me. I believe it is my inertia of staying in this cocoon life, which doesn't let me come out of it. Although I am pretty sure that it will give me a new perspective on life, I can imagine going on a solo trip, packing all my bags, leaving the city early in the morning, taking a halt midway for a very healthy breakfast, and then eating a sattvic lunch in a village. I would take photos and write in my journal to reflect on how my day

22nd May 2024 | 10:27 PM

My Daily Blog Hello my dear loveliest peeps, Hope you're doing great, safe, and sound. Today is the 6th day of my blog, and as you know, this challenge lasts for 21 days. I got up late this morning, around 9:30 AM, and had 7 almonds which I soaked last night. I started my day by drinking lots of water and preparing food for lunch. I did not have any breakfast as I was quite busy with office meetings. self-cooked For lunch, I had bhindi-baingan-tomato ki sabji and cabbage fry. I also prepared 3 parathas and had them for lunch. Afterward, I resumed reading "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. He mentioned a few things such as Add-1 and Add-3 tasks. I am still watching other videos to understand these concepts. I am not able to fully grasp what he wants to convey. The only thing I understand is that using multiple

21st May 2024 | 11:25 PM

Hello, my lovely readers, I am grateful today for my life, the work that I do, the food, clothes, and shelter I am blessed with, and for being surrounded by people who are genuine and think well of me. Today, I started the day by having lunch out and didn’t cook anything due to laziness. I couldn't get productive today. I did some office work and then went out and had two plates of panipuri and a glass of sugarcane juice. Although I know these aren't great for my gut, I am trying to be more mindful as the day progresses. The book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" is really captivating. I am currently understanding the cognitive illusions created by our mind's first system. There are many topics I have covered, and they resonate with me. Now, I understand the 'why' behind my actions. After completing this post, I will read a few more pages of that book and then go to sleep. I know there isn't much interesting to share, but keep an eye on my blog. I a