Celebrated birthday at PCMC | Leet code completed. | Soaked almonds today | Drove more than 50kms today | First day of project

Hello Everyone, 
Hope everyone is amazing, safe and sound. 

Today's 17th of July. 
A lot of things are happening at such a fast pace. 
Like the work we do, the mornings and the nights pass very quickly. 

The essence of life is to move, if anyone is stagnant then it becomes poisonous. 
Moving/Change with respect to time is crucial for existence. 

The day went pretty well. I had lots of work and then bought an earbud for my brother on his birthday and had good food at his place. 

I enjoyed meeting new people and drove back to home so that I can focus on work properly. 

That's it. 
I completed Journal, Soaking almonds and Leet code today. 

Namo buddhay, 


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