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Showing posts from 2024

Concept of wind

 The wind is not as light  as the previous one. It hit the evergreen forests and romanticised on a very good morning  The citizens felt relieved for the first time after summer, Birds chirped, Flowers  blossomed.  Life was charming for the every entity. The wind was independent and it reached all the corners. It felt the life. However. The life is so unpredictable, nobody figured out the concept of heavy strong winds in a depressing weather, the wind was robust, it weathered out the soil, trees, nests, garden and the entire crops. The wind cried bitterly, it couldn’t kiss the crops or the flower but it was notorious. The entire universe prayed for its calmness like before. And they waited till the eternity.

I still see a version of mine conquering the world.

It's been such a long! I'm here finally and I wanted to speak about something which is not ideal for me. It's been a few days since I'm in Pune back from my hometown and things were pretty unsettling in terms of my mental health and the change atmosphere. Although it would sound kirky but this is the reality. My mind couldn't process the tensed situation at work and hefty workloads, improper hygiene and irregular meals, and all this happened so suddenly. I wasn't feeling human to be very honest in this ground, the culture at workplace became robotic, I missed the human touch, I missed the regular meals, I was totally alienated.  I took a bigger move , bigger than I could have ever taken and thought to change the style of my working, I thought of a change and I am proud of it. While the work was still on table, the irregularities in the schedule, the imbalance took a toll when I found nobody around me to support in reality, I missed the human factor and got indul...

A lot of black space

 It’s 2.36 AM midnight, Cold wind injecting my skin and touching the cells. I feel very cold but my heart is aching, I feel the hollow space, I feel alienated. I have love for materials be it a cloth to camera, but at my age I don’t cry longer if any of these apparatus gets malfunctioned. I mourn for the loss of my older version - my child version who found an ecosystem equipped with love, care and affection. Today in this cold weather, I felt heavy pain. I felt a loss. I felt so bad that I started writing and I know that it’s a raw content because I am not sitting with the pain.  I sometimes feel like crying but then I don’t. I don’t know why. I just feel sad.  Bye.

The hollowness which will sustain forever

 I visualize the hollowness in the life which could be colorful. This is because I was being validated as "I am special and I started feeling it". "I felt that I am brave enough to go beyond the border because I felt being special". I was overjoyed. I spent time thinking about the crayons. I spent time thinking about the spectrum of the rainbow. I was delighted to witness the sunshine. I was brave enough to navigate the sunsets. Seasons came and gone.  Ups and downs approached. but I was happy with crayons. Where has those living objects gone?  I am too sick to wait. I have started to color myself, I have made a part of me brave enough to accept the loss of the old crayons and have started building one for me. I could use my own crayons and color it, in the huge paintings of the universe, I am going to use my own crayons to color it, It might break or it might paint awful but it is my crayon.

Life at this point -

Hello Readers, I am grateful today. The reason is that I breathe in and out; life is present. I have my family, a job for survival, and food to eat. In fact, I have more things to make my life easier than required. But what keeps me away from my real self is a grey matter, which I could not discover. There is a hollow room, very vacant, and it demands more from me. The success that I find today gets devalued because I want to prove myself.  That is probably a version of me trying to prove every day that I exist, I deserve, I possess the caliber. I don’t have much to speak today. Thanks for staying with my heart-written lines.

I feel the loss, I feel the wind gushing beside my ears and I inhale the exotic aroma buried somewhere

 The cold has hit already, However the summer takes a toll during the day time. The festive seasons along with some family functions are few of the primary reasons that I need to attend and give a foundational support. The heart aches sometimes-out of no reasons. While I was laying down on the bed, I felt a deep scar it wasn't healed properly.  I allowed myself to feel the ache. I wanted to shed tears but it was dried up. In the same planet there lives a man and a person whom he called as a friend. But the planet in my destiny is so barren now in the absence of that friend. I feel so hollow few of the times. Where has those ecosystems gone? Those evergreen plants that were nurturing? Those tiny creatures in my planet and the unlimited natural aroma of my existence. Why does someone build expectations and water the planet - when one day the plant has to die and their season comes to an end. Continued likely in the future. - Vivek.

This is not what I am but -

Note - This is not written here to justify the correctness of grammar or providing the content to the readers but a reflection to myself. I'm growing up at every passing second. I'm fighting for something at every passing second. The fight is for shine. The fight is for respect and money. The fight is for intellectuals. Leaving behind the gentle arc of my innocence, trust for the people and various other things. I'll grown up seeing my inner self struggling, feeling shameful, abandoned, insulted, beaten,cheated, rejected and what not. But this is not what looks like - because my inner self has dreamt of not seeing the world like that , the versions that I create, the subjective dreams that I set were disposed off. Growing up that I've learnt that life is not a straight path from A to B, but it has several A1,A2 or maybe A1.1.1 nobody knows. But that's okay. Because of what I have been made to feel is not what I am. I am a power born to create, lead and stand. I am a...

28/07/2024 3.35 AM | Penning a thought

Hello people,  It's been days since I have followed any regimes.  It's been years since I wrote something out of me.  I figured out either I write something and follow it or I go with an auto pilot.  But am I doing the things?  or is it situation?  Suppose work came and I'm doing it. Suppose I'm hungry and eating food.  or is it a sequence of steps? A defined set of food, or exercise and what not?  Reframing the question to?  Am I mindful enough at present what needs to be done and reflect the journey?  I'm just writing a journal?  But the basic law is not done.  Its a guest feeling not a permanent feeling to stay in this situation which is totally unproductive.  Health.  Knowledge.  Goal.  Wealth.  Relationships.  Travel.  are priorities.  These are not moving with time.  Anyways its too late,  Goodnight!  Namo buddhay,  Vivek

26th July 2024 12:40 AM | Again a workaholic day | Seems I've lost the motivation again

Hello everyone,  Hope you're doing well!!  It's 26 days of this month which has gone by.  I've not progressed much in this month and hardly went to class that signifies how drastically my health must have been detreitoted.  This was something I never wanted to happen, but after Kashmir trip, I lost motivation to continue challenges and it is making me dull each day.  The reason I'm sleeping late today is because I was working on some web scraping stuff in my Macbook and the configuration to chrome drivers took a lot of time.  Now since I couldn't complete that as well and left in the middle, also the office work has been left mid way, I'm planning to increase the concentration levels.  That's it.  Nothing much.  Hope you're healthy at your place.  Keep breathing. Be aware and smile right now.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek. 

25th July 2024 | Need to control the habit of eating food from outside | Again a day full of work

Hello everyone,  Hope you're amazing!  Day started a bit lazy, I slept and skipped the classes in the morning and got up late.  I started for office and took small rest in evening.  I've been ordering food from outside and there's no other choice. I need to think about some good alternatives.  That's it. I've been watching an Indian who visited Pakistan and his experience there. It was good and hence sleeping late today.  That's it.  Hope to meet you tomorrow.  Let's hope that I go for exercise tomorrow.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek

23rd July 2024 | 12:10 AM | Almost a hectic work life

Hello everyone,  Hope you're doing amazing today.  Working from home can be advantageous but when you are entitled to perform house chores as well then it gets packed up.  I am not able to manage few things on personal side because my energies are utilised in working and hence stepping outside or engage in cooking gets eliminated.  But, it's not the solution.  Taking smaller steps can balance things in this case.  I'm planning to be much mindful of how to engage in these activities.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek. 

22nd July 2024 | 1.55 AM | Late night sleep

Hello Everyone,  Hope you're doing great.  Sunday has gone and have already entered Monday.  Today I'm planning to work properly and hydrate myself well.  Almonds are soaked.  Journal is completed.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek. 

21st July 12:00 AM | Weekend rest | Visited Phoenix mall

Hello everyone,  Hope you're well.  I haven't done anything special today, I took ample rest and in the evening visited the mall for a refreshing breath outside the flat.  I always keep on organizing the thoughts in my mind and declutter it so that I can take optimum decisions in life and grow from the experience.  With this, I would like to end the blog for today.  I hope as I progress I add more charms to my writing and life as well.  Namo budday,  Vivek. 

5 hours of PERSONAL REAL TIME project Completed | Normal day | 20/07/2024 03:46

Cooked in Lunch today  Hello Everyone, Hope you're well. I am still awake at 03:48 am in the morning and I was working on a personal project which got completed just now. I am delighted to experience that I build something for a good reason. I am going to tell this in future blogs as well. Maybe that would be mostly a technical blog. I am tired af. I need to take rest. No exercise and others have been performed. Namo buddhay, Vivek!

19th July 2024 | 12:06 AM | Headache continues

Hello everyone,  Hope you're well.  I'm doing fine as well and a slight headache since evening.  The day went well and I had good work. I solved a leet code challenge and soaked almonds.  I couldn't exercise today and not sure what's happening thay I've not been doing it for some days.  I need to break this chain before it tightens up.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek. 

Celebrated birthday at PCMC | Leet code completed. | Soaked almonds today | Drove more than 50kms today | First day of project

Hello Everyone,  Hope everyone is amazing, safe and sound.  Today's 17th of July.  A lot of things are happening at such a fast pace.  Like the work we do, the mornings and the nights pass very quickly.  The essence of life is to move, if anyone is stagnant then it becomes poisonous.  Moving/Change with respect to time is crucial for existence.  The day went pretty well. I had lots of work and then bought an earbud for my brother on his birthday and had good food at his place.  I enjoyed meeting new people and drove back to home so that I can focus on work properly.  That's it.  I completed Journal, Soaking almonds and Leet code today.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek

Dinner cooked by self | Tried hydrating well today | 2 projects allocated simultaneously | Headache since evening | 16/07/2024 22:25

Hello Everyone, Today was a regular day for me. I was assigned to two different projects and I cooked dinner to avoid eating out. I got my beard trimmed today. I need to get things in order to complete my tasks on time starting from tomorrow. Therefore, I need to sleep early today to wake up tomorrow morning. Here are the updates on my checklists! After beard trim, eating food prepared by self. Rice and Soyabean Palak Achievements: Journaling Challenge L0: Completed 21/21 days ✅ New Fitness Challenge L0: Completed 21/21 days ✅ Hydration Challenge L0: Completed 21/21 days ✅ Journaling Challenge L1: Completed 21/21 days ✅ Summary of Achievements: Hydration Challenge L1: 1/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L2: Completed 17/21 days ✅ New Fitness Challenge L1: Completed 4/21 days ❌ Protein Powder Challenge: Completed 17/21 days ❌ EP Course: Completed 21/47 lessons ❌ Elevating Energies from Today’s Reflection: 6/90 not completed ❌ Almonds Soaked: Completed 4/21 days ❌ LeetCode: Co...

Dinner prepared by self | Slept whole long day | Extremely unproductive | 16/07/2024 00:08

 Hello Everyone, Hope you're doing well. I got up late in the morning and skipped the Cult in the evening as I always feel tired these days. I somehow managed to cook Rice and chicken at evening and had it with buttermilk post dinner. I solved Leetcode question today and that is one good thing in the day. With warm hopes, Namo buddhay, Vivek!

14/07/2024 00:27 | A rainy day at Pune | Cooked lunch at home | I sleep a lot these days!

 Hello peeps, I am finding myself to be taking much interest into learning Marathi these days out of nowhere. Yet today spent without much enthusiasm and day by day I feel I am drained out of energy and do not engage in some challenging activity. Playing with pets. I am not going to mention my next move because I want to prove it. Maybe sooner. Hope so. Namo budday, Vivek Sunny

12th July 2024 | Cooked Rajma Chawal | Yoga done 20 mins | Again too much rest today | Srinagar expenses calculated.

Hello Peeps,  I hope you're doing amazing.  I got up in the morning and cooked the rajma which were soaked overnight. I cooked rice and consumed the lunch early and had no breakfast.  I took ample rest again. Exercised in the evening for sometime ans then consumed the rajma and rice which was left.  I am not sure why I'm being so lazy these days, especially when I reflect it. Before Kashmir trip I used to be much active.  I'm hopeful to see changes in me in upcoming future. Especially I need to be much focused on how to cultivate good microbiomes in the gut ecosystem so that energy can be utilized in good activities.  There are plenty of challenges left for me to do and I need to resume the challenges sooner.  I've not yet portayed the takeaways from the Kashmir trip which I'm going to disclose it soon.  That's it for today.  Stay tuned for interesting blogs in upcoming days.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek 

11/07/2024 23:59 | Challenges not started yet | Yet a sleepy day | Songs are powerful

Hello People, Hope you're amazing! I have not started any of my challenges except soaking the almonds today. The day passed quickly, and I slept most of the time. I am yet to get back on track. Not sure when. Doodhpathri waterfall Doodhpathri waterfall 2 Today, I am not feeling like writing, and it's fine. Not every day you feel it, but I am glad that I at least continue this journey. I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow, probably with a better course of action. Namo Buddhay! Vivek Sunny

The Normal day | Comfort journey at flat | 10th July 2024 | 11.49 PM

Hello everyone,  I'm back to Pune and I have taken enough rest.  I haven't done anything much to talk about today except the dinner I cooked for myself and it was burnt and couldn't cook properly.  I tried taking Kahwa and it was okayish.  The challenges are incomplete today because I've not started my pace.  I hope you are doing great and I am waiting for myself to take some tangible actions on improvisation.  I'm hopeful, I'll be again back to track very soon.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek. 

Back to Pune | Kashmir trip ends beautifully | 10th July 2024 | 12:16 AM.

Hello friends,  I woke up early in order to catch a cab and fortunately got a shared auto to Airport and then had my baggages checked and entered the airport and finally reached Mumbai safely.  I'm currently in Pune and took Maggie as an unhealthy choice for today but there is no option as I can't cook because I'm tired.  I would love to talk more once I am back on track.  The challenges will be continued as usual and days will progress in a better way.  Namo buddhay,  Vivek

Prefinal day at Kashmir | Visited Pahalgam | Bajrangi bhaijaan Dargaah | Ruins of Avanti varman temple | 08th July 2024

Hello friends,  Hope you're amazing!  My day spent really fast, I visited Pahalgam and witnessed all spots on the horses.  I also went to Dargah.  Lots of stories are yet to be disclosed.  Stay tuned!  Sleeping early because of morning flight.  Namo buddhay! Vivek

Solo Travelling Day 4 | Sinthan Top, Saffron garden, Amazing view points and Pahelgaon | 07th July 2024 | 09:23 PM

Great day everyone.  Today is my 4th Day at Kashmir.  I started off for Sintham top at 6 am.  I ended up in Pahelgaon.  Amdist the journey, I had amazing breakfast and great views at Sintham top.  The next 2 days might be less powerful in terms of stories because I'm going to explain things after settling properly.  Namo buddhay!  Vivek