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I still see a version of mine conquering the world.

It's been such a long!

I'm here finally and I wanted to speak about something which is not ideal for me.

It's been a few days since I'm in Pune back from my hometown and things were pretty unsettling in terms of my mental health and the change atmosphere.

Although it would sound kirky but this is the reality.

My mind couldn't process the tensed situation at work and hefty workloads, improper hygiene and irregular meals, and all this happened so suddenly.

I wasn't feeling human to be very honest in this ground, the culture at workplace became robotic, I missed the human touch, I missed the regular meals, I was totally alienated. 

I took a bigger move , bigger than I could have ever taken and thought to change the style of my working, I thought of a change and I am proud of it.

While the work was still on table, the irregularities in the schedule, the imbalance took a toll when I found nobody around me to support in reality, I missed the human factor and got indulged in improper food habits etc.

It wasn't ethical and all of this was taking a toll when I realized the last and ultimate factor being my own energy started to fluctuate.

It was rather degrading and the inbuilt stress was becoming terrible, I wasn't out from my door for a week and never realised that we are on the earth. I was so broken up with things around and I took a strong decision to transition from the firm I was in.

I am proud of the decision I took but this would probably solve my issue only when I am capable enough to take care of mine, my home, things around family and work.

I lack the 'in person' touch which I never imagined earlier. I was juggling between work and interviews preparation and the stress was alarming.

I just wanted to let it come out.
I let it out and I still feel that I am made for bigger things.

I still take a proud on myself.



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