
No challenge today | Yesterday tea at late night took a tool on sleep | All energies in preparation for exam | 23rd June 2024 | 10:31 pm.

 Hello Friends, Hope you're doing well. I am planning to sleep early so as to get up early tomorrow for preparation. Success needs preparation I couldn't go for exercise and challenges are not accomplished. I need to be much aware about tea consumption where post 2 pm , I won't take it at any ways. Secondly, Food is something which has now become a prime importance for me. Only Journaling is completed and I shall update the tracker tomorrow. Thanks! Much love. Vivek.

Life is all about the Little prince | 23rd June 2024 | 02:39 AM

Instead of trying to be a perfect man, it is important to be a boy with a heart of his own—a true child. Accept the flaws, free the stars from the bottle of his life, and express what might have been closed off: the emotions and the freedom that have been restricted so that we can be accepted by others and gain validation. I don't wish to be a boring adult obsessed with output and numbers in a negative way. I wish to understand more about the abandoned old shell. Some automated takeaways which is imprinted below: 1. **The Importance of Childlike Wonder**:    - The story emphasizes the value of seeing the world through the eyes of a child, embracing curiosity, imagination, and wonder. Adults often lose this perspective, focusing instead on practicality and seriousness. 2. **The Nature of Relationships**:    - The relationship between the Little Prince and his rose teaches about love, responsibility, and the unique connections we form. The fox's lesson, "You become

Happy Yoga Day | Mobile blog 1 | 21st June 2024 | 11:09 PM

Hello everyone,  Hope you're doing amazing!!  I overate today post doing Yoga and hence I wanted to share and inteospect but I lost all the energy to use my Mac 🍎💻 and hence thought to draft my progress today so that in the next vlog I'll carry forward it.  Exercise Done. ✅ Water Done. ✅ EP Done.✅ becoming supernatural is done. (summary will publish tomorrow with today's one). ✅ Protein powder done. ✅ The most crucial part to consider is the food choice. ❌⛔⚠️⁉️❎ I feel as if my gut bacteria requests me to go for a full plate Non veg mean outside and hence my health and money both gets compromised. I think, it might happen the next time as well but need to be aware that it takes a lot of energy to digest and hence it feels fatigue sometimes.  Mood, health and money all goes in vain.  Next time, I'll be extra mindful.  Today I can rate that food choice was again improper because of the food outside.  Namo Buddhay!  Vivek

Exercise completed only ✅ | Tired again | 20th June 2024 | 11:55 PM

Hello People, I hope you're doing well. Today, I couldn't manage the day properly, but no worries—I will try to improve from tomorrow. I did the Yoga session on my own at home today, but the rest of the challenges are still due. Starting tomorrow, I will try not to miss any of them. This challenge is already completed, and I'm super proud. Office event at Koregaon Park, Pune Achievements Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ Summary of Achievements Hydration Challenge: 20/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1: 13/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge L1: 1/21 days completed ✅ Protein Powder Challenge: 14/21 days not completed ❌

A fulfilled day | Moving towards a healthier version | All challenges completed ✅ | 21/21 fitness completed 🏆 | 19th June 2024 | 10:06 pm

My Lifestyle Journal Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing well! I feel lighter right now, but when I woke up today, I felt so heavy. My mood and energy were low, and I felt like sleeping more because I was fatigued. Now, I understand that it was because I had a heavy dinner late last night. My body had to use a significant amount of energy, around 600 calories, to digest that complex food, leaving me with only 400 calories of usable energy when I woke up. Because of this, I’ve decided to eat lighter at night to avoid these issues. 16th June, 2024 picture | 1:56 pm IST The day went well with mock test solving, though I need to focus more on a few areas. Tomorrow, I plan to solve two mock papers to get ready for the June 24th examination. I had good water intake today and exercised as well. It feels so good when a t-shirt fits you properly and you see yourself moving toward a positive phase of your life with all the auras bein

SO SO Heavy Dinner today | Today seemed a leisure day | 18th June 2024 | 9:19 PM

 Hello Everyone, Hope you all are amazing today. I am again a lot heavy today, I ate so much. Mutton. Chicken. Two Big chapatis. One plate rice. 1 Litre water. WTF! Challenges: Hydration Challenge:  19/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1:  11/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge:  20/21 days not  completed ❌ Protein Powder Challenge:  13/21 days not completed ❌ EP Course:  13/47 lessons not completed ❌ Elevating Energies from Pages:  4/90 not completed ❌ Areas for improvement: - Food choices ❌ Namo Buddhay! Best regards, Vivek

Yoga and Office day outside | 18th June 2024 | 03:12 AM

 Hello friends, I won't be able to continue much today because of late night. Challenges: Hydration Challenge:  19/21 days not completed ❌ Journaling Challenge L1:  10/21 days completed ✅ New Fitness Challenge:  20/21 days completed ✅ Protein Powder Challenge:  13/21 days not completed ❌ EP Course:  13/47 lessons not completed ❌ Elevating Energies from Pages:  4/90 not completed ❌ Areas for improvement: - Food choices ❌ Namo Buddhay! Best regards, Vivek