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Yes, I am ageing. It's called my Birthday today.

At my age, I feel that I am still the same as everyone.

But I never wanted to be everyone, but something else.

I couldn't dare to become that one. 
I felt easier to become a part of society.

When I sit with myself and then I ask - None of them are beside you but only 'YOU' with a very limited set of people who look after you when you're imprisoned in a flat covered with walls, where the density of population is high but they are separated by boundries of the flats and rooms.

Life had never been imagined in this way, a person struggling to earn money by working hard and then enjoying little time with himself and very few people asking about him.

Sometimes, I think about few of the questions which are always unresolved.

The intent is to remain peaceful and enjoy serenity with self and people around, where the mouth utters world of divine Radharani and soul gets pure.

To spread love inside and outside, happy with whatever is blessed, happy with few people and have a tendency to frame good thoughts.

As the life is progressing and I'm hitting a more adult version of myself, I would always cherish what Radharani has brought into my path and I always seek all wisdom and peace into my life.



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