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A reflection of inside

Sometimes I ask myself - Why do I get sad sometimes? I think about the vibrations , my vibrations in the past. I think about the vibrations, a low ones, probably due to a difficult day which lowers the confidence. I think about my vibrations, a terrible one in the past and which I never want to feel it. I think about all the outer things which should be perfect and if that's not the case then I find myself low. The lower energies are because - I fail. I lose. I fail to accept the changing things around.


Under an umbrella lie food particles, a few stones, a piece of technology, a few caps, pencils, and toys. The ants are roaming here, there, and everywhere, adorning themselves with accessories they can afford. To sustain their empire, they load huge bulks of comparatively expensive items to offer to their lord, enabling the growth of their colony. They consume those food particles, their dreams confined to this universe. It’s a cycle they perform, a legacy they leave for their descendants to follow, and this lifecycle continues. All of us are ants. Feel it. Only a few ants are special—those who break the chain, walk aside, and begin digging deep, questioning the why, how, and countless other whys. Everyone is destined to die, but this ant seeks something that fuels his discovery.

Day 22 | Realisation after a pause

 Hello, Day 22 of my feelings on paper. It was a difficult day at office, I realised that people sitting on the top levels are concerned about how to maximize the profit, how to exploit the resources to receive more and more.  I realised that this digital world at times treat humans as bots, as it is rightly said that the millennials never know how sensitive are the hands behind the keyboard , who work day and night to earn for their livelihood. The life at this point is running in a path which is ideal for the society, we are supposed to fit in that socket.  As you're fresh out of college, you're meant to slog all the day for office and earn. This is what our forefathers did. This is how the current civilization is doing. Running behind the monthly salary, buying out all the things to look extraordinary without knowing everything is temporary as your spirit. The completeness we feel is when we know why are we here? Why we are doing? What we are doing? How long we will be...

Day 21 | Revisiting my world

 Hi, Day 21. I sat with myself, reminiscing old version of mine, a bold boy filled with a heart. Creative writing, bringing people in his world of imagination, he used to speak to people about how much is he blessed. A concrete talent, the amalgamation of his vivid imagination and tendency to associate natural resources with a different perspective of life. His words helped him survive the toughest days, sitting in a chai wala lane and grabbing tea in his hands in the chilliest days. The words were typed at a faster pace, so that intrusion of mind can be eliminated and unfiltered emotions can be reflected in his personal notes. The why me, why is this so excruciating, the pain of losing the loved ones and that too walking on the streets without somebody to talk with. The words were his power. The words helped him survive the toughest days. Whether a storm or a sunlight, the goofy emotions had only one way. Time gradually passed. The self declared writer reached his mid 20s. He felt...

Day 18 | Why do we love to date opposite gender?

 I have a tendency to write based on my knowledge and apologies if you find it irrelevant. The prime question is - Why do we love to date opposite genders? - Most of the times the couple or the two subjects change their places and meet in a different ecosystem. - They try to make the date special by having dinner, probably create memories, making promises, sparing time for each other and simply enjoying the moment. - The trend nowadays - They would click pictures and get a socially accepted tick in their friend zones that they ain't behind the cool trends. - They feel they are important, they are loved , they are heard and they deserve the love from the special opposite genders. ( Who does not like getting prioritised). That's how the day of V spent. He is in the discovery of his TS.  - I stepped away from the regular place where he spends most of his time with electronic gadgets for his survival and entertainment. - I took a pause and saw humans outside. The inner human is st...

Day 14 | A setback is a real comeback

 Day 14 I am having major setbacks in life. Although I can't go personal but sometimes I see that there's a lot inside. V is really far from his TS. He sometimes enjoys his core but then all of a sudden he realizes that during the past times he had no distinct boundaries with core and hence his TS never came into picture.  He wants to replenish his core but then he realizes he will forget his TS. Without TS there is no existence for VS.

Day 10 | V is jailed in a cage that his mind created

Ever wondered why do we work so hard? What is 1 purpoe that drives you to wake in the morning get up and start doing office work? The 10+ hours you put everyday of your life? Is that you wanted or just doing it for no reason? Being a purpose is important, the one purpose that defines you, that ignites you, the dream you had shaped when you were a child. Life is not a punishment, its a gift, knowing the purpose will help you get up early and help you pamper yourself. have you ever thought why do you want to stay healthy or fit? because you have strong dreams and passion in your eyes. you want to live for that passion and dream. it can be anything but 1 purpose is required. That would require a strong mindset , youll have to face hurdles on the way, youll fall down, you'll face rejections, people will walk away, sometimes youll vibrate in a different energy zone and sometimes said that you'll be the star who will shine irrespective of what others are doing. The energy for t...