Hello, Day 22 of my feelings on paper. It was a difficult day at office, I realised that people sitting on the top levels are concerned about how to maximize the profit, how to exploit the resources to receive more and more. I realised that this digital world at times treat humans as bots, as it is rightly said that the millennials never know how sensitive are the hands behind the keyboard , who work day and night to earn for their livelihood. The life at this point is running in a path which is ideal for the society, we are supposed to fit in that socket. As you're fresh out of college, you're meant to slog all the day for office and earn. This is what our forefathers did. This is how the current civilization is doing. Running behind the monthly salary, buying out all the things to look extraordinary without knowing everything is temporary as your spirit. The completeness we feel is when we know why are we here? Why we are doing? What we are doing? How long we will be...
Hello Readers, I pause to reflect on my day here, Sharing the insights of my life. Love and peace, Vivek