
A normal day | 01/07/2024 00:34

 Hello peeps, Hope you're doing well. There's not much to share. No challenges today apart from Journaling. Rephrase: A well spent day with myself on a mission to give rest to body and reflect in Journal. I am happy to help a person by sharing the notes and he paid also. Sometimes, It feels really good to earn even a penny from places where you had never dreamt earlier. Life has improved a lot but I am not stopping here. I procrastinate a lot. One of the examples are cleaning the home, Placing things at right place and the most special one is going for an exercise. I learnt that 2 minute rule states that If an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it's defined.” Simple, yet potent, this rule is a defense against procrastination and letting the small things in work and life add up.

INDIA 🇮🇳 WON THE T20 WORLD CUP | SOLO Trip to PANCHGANI AND BACK TO PUNE | 30th June 2024 | 12:33 AM

It's quite late today.  I hope you're doing fine.  Finally India won the T20 world Cup after 17 years under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma and it's a proud moment for all the INDIANS.  I woke up at 4 and then only decided to go to Panchgani but I was confused if I'll be able to make it or not, I took a bathe and prepared the baggage in case of staying at Panchgani.  I reached PANCHGANI but I decided not to wait or rest at the hostel since it was full and app showed wrong as available, I roamed all the important points and table land in Panchgani along with a beautiful mandir.  I went to Mapro factory outlet as well. I had maggie and tea which was a surreal feeling at the mountains.  I'm even not feeling wrong because I failed to follow the challenge but I discovered new things in the life.  I'm still grateful for everything that happens.  Best,  Namo buddhay,  Vivek Sunny. 

Worked on my finances | 2 Fitness class in a day | Second wave L1 Journaling completed | Light food today | 28/06/2024 23:06

Hello Peeps, Hope you're doing amazing! I got up extremely late this morning because the bad microbiomes in my gut took a toll on me. The heavy dinner yesterday caused all sorts of fatigue and laziness in the morning. I decided to wake up and started working after having Sattu for breakfast. The Yoga blocks and wheel arrived today, and I tried a few asanas with them before having khichdi for lunch. Self pictures In the evening, I stepped outside for a dance and yoga class. I noticed my energy was a bit low, likely due to digestion, so I decided to have a light dinner and went to Tapri for a veg meal thali. Achievements: - Journaling Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - New Fitness Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - Hydration Challenge L0: 21/21 days completed ✅ - Journaling Challenge L1: 21/21 days completed ✅ Summary of Achievements: - Hydration Challenge L1: 1/21 days not completed ❌ - Journaling Challenge L1: 21/21 days completed ✅ - New Fitness Challenge L1: 4/21

Totally sleepy, tired and exhausted | 27th June 2024

Hello friends,  Hope you're doing amazing!!  Yesterday I saw a post about mutton on Instagram and it prompted me to cook for myself, even though knowing just after a bit of it I don't feel good eating still I thought to buy it from the store and cooked it.  I have seen one thing that sometimes If I do something odd, I feel like doing more odds that day untill I feel a critical point and then come out of it.  I need to understand this behavior.  I'm being more aware of it because, I didn't feel good eating non veg because I regret eating non veg these days and also 95% of my life energies are utilized in breaking down those complex food particle and hence I feel tired and slept all day long.  I'm planning to be more conscious and avoid eating these food which involves killing of innocent creatures.  I couldn't complete the basic blocks of my life today and yet again a disconnect.  I'll improve and trying to eliminate things that lowers down the po

All challenges completed today 🏆 | Started more robust 💪 | Fulfilled day 🙏 | 26/06/2024 23:43

Hello Everyone, I have bounced back stronger after four days, and it feels great to be back on track. The day started with breakfast, which was Maggie. I know this is unhealthy, but I like it sometimes. I was mindful of my water intake, drinking almost 2.5 liters, and I will complete 3 liters by the end of the day. Work went well. I had some tasks to complete, enjoyed a delicious lunch, and took a bit of rest in the afternoon. In the evening, I had tea. Even though tea isn't the healthiest choice, I sometimes feel like having it. I completed dinner early and did an hour of extensive yoga at home. I've added a few more simple activities to my habits. One is soaking almonds at night as part of a 21-day challenge. The other is solving one SQL problem from LeetCode, which is a 30-day challenge. I am also learning Italian using the Duolingo app. Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 1 Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 2 Evening scenario from 22nd floor Pic 3 Today'

Ok but what's next? 🎯 | 25/06/2024 22:48

Hello Peeps, I hope you're doing amazing! I was analysing myself. It has been 4 days in total, and I haven't stepped outside for any sort of exercise. Why? Because I had Snowflake. Because I feel tired. Because I sleep late. Because of other things. Yet, exercise is like fuel to my body. It shouldn't be stopped. It has associations with almonds, protein powder, chia and flax seeds, and hydration. It also ensures that I complete the EP course and the Supernaturals book. Breakfast Lunch Evening Scenery Evening Scenery 2 I am grateful that I have done some good office work and personal works. But, an inch of effort makes you build more stronger and hence I will try to sleep early and continue doing good work. Thanks, Vivek

Certification cleared | Booked Transformation workshop | My yoga goodies are dispatched | 24/06/2024 22:41

Hello folks, I hope you have been doing fine. For the past few days, I have been unable to complete a challenge that is vital for me. Despite any excuses, I’ve realized that ignoring these critical and life-saving challenges is not an option. Therefore, I am committed to pursuing them starting tomorrow. After completing my certification exam, I’ve made a few observations based on my awareness: I study briefly, but my memory serves me well. Avoiding unnecessary dragging and relying on a notebook with concise notes and continuity can be highly effective. Mock exams have proven to be invaluable. Concept clarity is essential; as they say, “Ratt na fitrat me nahi.” Post-certification, I celebrated with Shawarma, Panipuri, and Tea, and I’m pleased to share that I cleared the exam with flying colors. Now, it’s time to bounce back even stronger and prioritize my own well-being through regular exercise. Investing in the Transformation workshop was a wise decision—it complements the